07950 580 260 | tony@aacss.co.uk
Accreditation is the process in which certification of competency, authority, or credibility is presented.
Companies that issue credentials or certify third parties against official standards are themselves formally accredited by accreditation bodies (such as UKAS or IAS); hence they are sometimes known as "accredited certification bodies".
The accreditation process ensures that their certification practices are acceptable, typically meaning that they are competent to test and certify third parties, behave ethically and employ suitable quality assurance.
With Our Sister company, DIBAN Academy, all training requirements can be achieved in a swift, cost-effective method.
AA Construction Support Solutions can manage and support the full process gaining your company the accreditations specifically to your industry sector requirements:
AACSS offer a "ConstructionLine Complete" package to gain you accreditation with the UK's largest register of contractors, consultants and material suppliers for the construction industry. ConstructionLine will gain new work opportunities for your company. Contact us to discuss gaining ConstructionLine membership.
With over 4,700 members FORS is gaining recognition as the transport industry's go-to accreditation scheme and is a mandatory requirement with many clients throughout the UK. FORS provides accreditation pathways for operators of any type, and for those organisations that award contracts and specify transport requirements. Contact AACSS to discuss which level of FORS your require from Bronze, Silver and Gold .
AACSS provide complete support in assisting your company gaining HERS membership. Other services provided are employee HERS competency portfolio management, CBQ NVQ in Highway Electrical Systems guidance and assisting with health and safety and tenders involved with bidding on contracts and projects within the industry.
As part of an ongoing process to introduce competition to the electrical service market, NERS is operated by Lloyd's Register on behalf of the UK's DNOs. AACSS can give support with gaining accreditation, additional scope to your skill set, training and qualifications and management of your employees mandatory NERS competency passports which are required as part of setting to work.
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