07950 580 260 | tony@aacss.co.uk
Streetlights? Highway Electrical is so much more than just the streetlights outside your property. It is a vital part of the country's infrastructure, ranging from public lighting and traffic signals through to communications and tunnels. Even bus shelters and EV charging points fall under the sector.
If you offer services covering construction , civil engineering, utilities, highways, ground and electrical works just to name a few, you more than likely possess the transferable skills, which with a blend of training and development within the industry could see you undertaking work on projects and contracts subject to joining the Highway Electrical Registration Scheme (HERS) and achieving the set criteria and requirements.
With over a decade of experience in the highway electrical industry sector ranging from operations through to compliance and training, I am well prepared to support you on your journey. Please read more below to find out what services I offer to assist you through the process and beyond.
Highway Electrical is the industry sector covering the installation, maintenance and electrical testing of highway electrical infrastructure and equipment with associated activities. Sub-sectors include public lighting, traffic signals, communications, VMS, cameras, road tunnels and EV charging points.
HEA - Highway Electrical Association, is a members association who's activities range from public lighting, traffic signals and communications through to manufacturers and distributors who operate in the highways electrical industry sector, focusing on safety and quality of works and products.
HERS - Highway Electrical Registration Scheme, is a scheme affiliated to CSCS and ECS, leading skills certification schemes within UK industries. HERS cards provide proof that individuals working in the sector have the required training and qualifications for the type of work they carry out.
AACSS can support and manage your company's HEA/HERS requirements, from initial application of a new organisation through to the management of all HEA/HERS audits. This will ensure all relevant criteria is embedded into your business which is the key requirement of membership.
HERS requires your company to have health & safety, policies and processes, ensuring you have the correct quality management systems in your structure. AACSS can create and manage all your compliance elements, allowing you to concentrate on operational leadership and business growth.
Employees must have a HERS portfolio of evidence built by a HEA trained Qualified Supervisor and verified by a HEA Authorising Officer in line with the HERS Handbook document. AACSS provides this service by undertaking employee assessments and delivering the training required for completion.
Training which goes into HERS Portfolios must be in line with the industry training specification. AACSS provides this directly/in collaboration with approved providers, ensuring all your employees are compliant with the scheme and gain their HERS Cards with no delays
In line with CSCS 2020, NVQs are required for all employees under HERS undertaking key roles. The scope will be growing shortly to include supervisor and manager NVQs. AACSS offers in collaboration with industry NVQ Centres a time and cost effective solution to meet your requirements.
AACSS provides business development solutions including tender and bid writing for projects and contracts of all values. By growing your pipeline of works and implementing the highest standards of safety, quality and productivity within your company, AACSS will assist you in your success.
AACSS can support your business with the authorisations, processes and training required to be NERS - National Electricity Registration Scheme accredited, providing value for money ICP Independent Connections Provider turnkey solutions for highway electrical installations and connections.
With years of experience in Highway Electrical, AACSS can provide proven operational support/cover on projects/contracts for employee holidays, absence and upsurges in works, which requires ready available HERS competent professionals to support 24/7 where others cannot.
We take pride in the customers we have supported over the years. Please click on the link below to see what AACSS customers and former colleagues have to say about our performance supporting their business in relation to highway electrical and areas of construction-related industry sectors.
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